Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I made it!

So I made it past 9 weeks! Yeah! I know that 12 or even 14 are really the "safe" times, but for me, 9 weeks is huge. And I'm now at 10W3D. Got to see them again yesterday and everything was perfect. Two beautiful HB's again. God, am I lucky. This is truly a miracle. My miracles. I am a little calmer now that I'm past D week, but my symptoms are changing. I know that's normal, but I now miss the nausea. Now I just keep eating! I'm so hungry all the time!
I've got another Ivig infusion tomorrow and my doc is finally back from vacation to go over all my bloodwork results. The nurse said all my numbers look good, but I'm anxious to see them myself.
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes, I had a good quiet day at home.


  1. Glad everything went well!! Hoping the hunger continues! :)

  2. yeah for making it further:) It is such a great feeling to hit those milestones...and I hear you Im glad Dr.Kwak is back and we go on Monday for an US/appt with her..Take Care!!!
