Thursday, March 24, 2011

100 days to go!

Ah...that's crazy. Today I looked at my little baby floaty thing and it said 100 days to go. That's awesome. I can not wait. You know what else is crazy? My OB (one of them) actually wanted me to schedule my c-section date! For June 20th! I didn't though. Made me too nervous. Like if I scheduled it, I'd go into preterm labor tomorrow. And that would not be good. These guys have to stay in here until at least June. And I still have to decide for sure who I'm going to have do the delivery. I'm leaning towards the OB who I've been with the whole time (thru the m/c's and d&c's and IUI). And plus, he delivers at a level 3 NICU, the other is only level 2. Plus my pediatrician is out of that hospital. Sounds like I just made the decision. Problem solved.
Now for updates...Apple is the big one this time, weighing in at 2#2oz and in the 65th percentile, while Banana is 2# and in the 54th percentile. So very good for twins. Grow babies grow!

And just as a side note because my blog can't always be about babies, you know what I find so annoying? People complaining about the weather. Now don't get me wrong. I am not happy either when it goes from 65 to 30, but c'mon people, you live in Chicago...what do you expect? If you don't like it (or the snow), then fricking move! It gets cold sometimes, a lot even, but really 65 was a treat, so enjoy that and take the spring-like weather for what it is because before long it will be 90 with 90% humidity and you'll be complaining about that too!


  1. Hey Girl...I am just catching up on your blog and I am so happy to see all the positive post's about the babes:) I wasnt expecting anyless though since Dr.Kwak is taking care of you:) My goal is to catch up on all my blog girls then recap what I have been up to...I really miss everyone here in bloggie world:)

    By chance was the US tech that filled in chinese?

  2. Hey Kristi-so nice to see you. You've got to check in on your blog soon-we want pics and updates! But of course you're staying busy with the most important guy ever :)
    Yes, Dr. Kwak has been amazing, but not that tech-yes, she is chinese. I saw her there last weds again when I went to get IVIG, hopefully tomorrow I get Nadia. It didn't even seem like she measured everything. Luckily I go to my high risk doc too for US, so I get my info there too. Hope you're doing well and give your boy a kiss for me :)
