Friday, January 21, 2011

US went well, but I'm scared to be off my progesterone!

The US went great yesterday. There is a new machine in the office, so it took a little longer and it was lunch time and I got so dizzy, I almost fell off the table!!! I've felt dizzy before at home, but nothing this bad. My head was wobbly, it got dark and I saw sweating like crazy. I guess it wouldn't have been the worst place to pass out. Luckily I had a muffin in my purse, so that worked like a charm. Unfortunately she had to still get 3D on baby B, who had turned around. Banana is always backwards in there. We always see their butt!

In other news I got to stop my PIO shots. It scares the heck out of me. Anyone who has done those know they are the worst, they hurt like heck! But they were comforting, knowing that my progesterone was over 100. Now it's going to go down, and make me nervous. But I guess I couldn't stay on it forever.When did anyone else go off their PIO shots? And I'll find out on tuesday where my level is at. I don't even know what the number should be at this point. But I'm sure my doc does!

And, I get to have iron-defeciency anemia. Lucky me! I guess it is super common, especially with twin pregnancies. I'm nervous about taking an iron pill though, because iron is not supposed to be good for those with autoimmune issues. It's supposed to feed the bugs. But I can't be anemic either, so I guess I will have to take it temporarily. I just hope it works. Anyone else have to take iron while pregnant?


  1. Hey there:) I actually have to take fact I started out taking 1 pill a day but it didnt help so they increased me to twice a day and now its perfect...Let me tell you I gained so much more energy once I started taking the iron....

    As far as PIO...they weaned me off of mine and of couse still kept me on the oral progesterone....then of course tested it one point I had to go back on the progesterone and even had to start taking oral estrogen and estrogen patches because it had dropped...Then off the PIO again and just oral progesterone....and a couple of months ago they tried to take me off the oral but when they starting weaning me off of that it went to low so they put me back on twice a day again and it was fine...Just this week we are trying once again to wean me off the oral progesterone so we will see what happens...I guess moral to my story is Dr.K will def keep a close eye on all your horomones and labs so dont worry:)))

    I go next week to see them on Friday..Cant wait to try out the new machine:)

  2. Hello. I was on PIO for 10 weeks with my son.

    I wanted to let you know that I am following your story and wishing you the best of luck. I will be starting up my treatment plan with Dr. K in the next month or so. Ready your story gives me hope.


  3. Sorry-reading your story gives me hope.
