Thursday, January 6, 2011

Apparently the answer is no.

So my US went great. Both babies measuring perfect, perfect HB's. But the bleed is gone. Which is great, really. But then why the heck am I still bleeding? It's not a lot, but it's still there. And if there's not a bleed in my uterus, where is it coming from? The only far-fetched sort of explanation I can muster is when I started bleeding I had taken some milk thistle (an herb). I had been taking it before pregnancy, and I read somewhere that it is OK to take. Then after I started bleeding I looked it up further and one of the warnings is it causes uterine bleeding. Well, of course. But now, it has to be out of my system by now, so it seems unlikely that that is the culprit. I'm just grasping for straws here and trying to rationalize that everything will be OK. I'm at 14W5D...the odds are in my favor. Please let everything be OK. I've got another US on Monday to check on the babies. Let's hope the bleeding is just a distant memory by then!


  1. Glad to hear the babies are great and that the bleeding is slowing down!

    With my first DD I bled at 10w2days. Bright red. all day. Then again at 34w2d. They never found the cause of either. Now I know about all the blood clotting stuff I have but back then nothing ever showed up on the u/s or bloodwork. Hopefully you can put your feet up and take it easy in your second trimester. :)

  2. Well Im glad the bleed is gone but how frustrating that you are still bleeding...Do you do suppositories for your Progesterone? If yes maybe your cervix is aggitated? So hard to say what the cause is our bodies do crazy things:(
