Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ultrasound-Heartbeat or no?

I go in one hour to see if my little bean has a heartbeat. There should be one there. My HCG from yesterday was a whopping 159,000. That's awesome! At 7 weeks, I am actually at the high end of the scale for once. Now the bad news, today I feel horrible sick. And not the nausea that caused me to think I had cancer and wasn't pregnant. Only an infertile would be so stupid. Or I guess it's more naive. When you've had more pregnancies than living children, you tend to think of the worst I guess. Bad things happen. All the time. No, I've got a cold, and I'm paranoid that means that my immune system is all out of whack and killing my baby as we speak. But I guess there's nothing I can do. But hope for the best. Hope for that little flicker on the screen. Hope that I won't need surgery next week, because this one's different. I hope!


  1. I hope you get to see that beautiful little flicker, too! Best wishes!

  2. Wishing you the bestest of luck and that you have the joy of seeing the little sparkle of a heartbeat.
