Friday, January 7, 2011

Ask and you shall receive.

So I guess all I had to do was say, please can I stop bleeding and POOF! it's gone. Yeah! I am so happy. And having good luck with my doppler again, so it's been easy to find the HB's again. Although how do you know if you're finding the same one twice or not? I am not a small girl, so I can't tell for sure. I have some "padding" to go thru.
I can't believe I'll be 15 weeks tomorrow! How exciting. Never, ever (except for my son) made it this far. I've even gone so far to think about a nursery and themes, which will be owls (my favorite) of course!
Things are looking good and I've got another US Monday just to check. I can't wait. I love seeing my little apple and banana!

1 comment:

  1. Glad the bleeding is done!!! This and seeing the babes on Monday will give you peace of mind:)
