Friday, January 28, 2011

Almost halfway there!

So tomorrow I will be 18 weeks! Wow, that's good. My MFM says most twins are born at 36 weeks, so that means I'll be halfway there. Of course I hope they stay in as long as they can to make them bigger, but it will be what it is.
I finally got the results of my progesterone and the nurse said it was fine at 46-so I trust that she's right. And I don't miss the daily shots in the butt. Now I've got to wean off the prometrium pills. More scary stuff. It's easy to stay on those forever. The charts say it should be 17-146. That's a big range. But I'm going to triple check with the nurse again next week when I go for Ivig again.
And next week I get another US too! Can't wait. Two weeks is too long to wait! I'm spoiled. And lucky. Very, very lucky.

1 comment:

  1. 46 is a great number...I will say that taking the oral progesterone does help me get a little sleep each night...for me it knocks me out within 2hrs of taking it....Does it do this to you? So since I have had to be on it this whole time Im kinda bummed to go off of it because Im having a horrible time getting comfy these days but Im trying to get off because I heard being on extra progesterone can affect breast milk supply/development....I am down to one pill a day and had blood drawn today so we will see come Monday the results...Also I am happy/bummed today at my US in chicago we can no longer get a cute 3d of Baby because his head is so low in the pelvis now....So I wont see his little cute face until he is here
