Tuesday, February 15, 2011

20 weeks, two US's in a row and meeting a new MFM

So on Saturday I officially hit 20 weeks! Woohoo! 20 weeks is huge. It's halfway there, and it's when my RI starts lowering my meds because the placenta is functioning well and is taking over even more. So I am off my progesterone, lowering my pred from 20 to 15 and doing Ivig every other week. I'm scared. But I have to remember I'm not the only pregnant person my RI has seen and she knows what she's doing. And my natural killer levels will be tested on thursday to make sure they are OK. If not, more Ivig.
But the thing is, I am a worrier. Image that. I see a problem-I want it fixed, now. So I see my NK levels being high before, so what if they are high right now and I need Ivig on thursday, but we don't get the results until monday, then I can't get it until tuesday. That is too long to wait for me. I want it now. I'm so afraid of doing the wrong thing. But it will be OK. If I need the Ivig, I'll get it.
So tomorrow I get to meet a different MFM that is at the hospital I want to deliver at. Which is a good thing. Of course I need a high risk doc at the right hospital. But if I like him/her, I will no longer go to my other MFM who I really, really like, but I don't really like any of the OB's at that office, or the hosiptal and I'm still mad at them for screwing up my US last week. This office called me at asked me to come in early because they didn't realize it was twins. Didn't try to reschedule.
Then thursday I get to go to my RI for another US. They do the special blood flow test to make sure the blood flow is OK to the babies that I've never had anyone else do. It's stupid to have 2 US's in a row, but I've then got the other US next week too, so it wouldn't do any good to reschedule. So instead I get to enjoy two peeks at my babies.
On a side note, has anyone else ever starting losing a bunch of hair while pregnant? About when I came off progesterone, I started losing a bunch of hair. They tested my thyroid and it was great, so not that. Any ideas anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Oh throughout this pregnancy I have lost my hair like but yet still have a ton....So not sure why that is but I had that 2:)

    As far as IVIG and when you get it even if cells are high...there were many times when a repeat test showed my numbers were high but as Dr. Kwak explained that if NK cells are high they have to be elevated for a while...I think she said 2wks or more before you would see a negative impact on the baby so you should be just fine:)

    Love the new layout
